
We develop innovative, high impact, ethically intelligent technologies to enable our partners to give their wearable and subdermal devices the power to improve safety, security, and quality of life.


Identity Access Management (IAM)

Patient Identity / EHR / Portable Records

Authentication and password management

IdP identity provider and single sign-on

Personal data security and encryption


FIDO2 & U2F security / identity

Cryptocurrency wallet and key recovery

Connected Car and Tesla keycard emulation

OTP / HMAC-SHA1 / 2FA technologies

PGP / PIV / CAC high end cryptography

Our Mission

We help our partners create innovative products based on secure contactless NFC enabled platforms like Apex. Our mission is to enable new types of products in new exciting form-factors that help ensure you retain control and keep ownership over your digital security and identity. Our partner products currently include wearable solutions like bracelets and rings, as well as subdermal devices for the ultimate in frictionless digital identity and security management.

Our Team