Auth API

Physical authenticity validation

The VivoKey Authenticity API gives applications and services the ability to check the authenticity of components and products containing VivoKey technology using strong standards based cryptographic proofs over NFC (contactless near field communication).

API Documentation Table of Contents

Cryptographic authenticity flow

The exact steps taken depend on the type of VivoKey NFC technology being used, but there are two basic flows. Depending on the product or technology being used you will want to use either the "Challenge / Response" or Signature authenticity flow.

Challenge / Response Flow

The Challenge / Response flow is the most secure method of verifying authenticity of the VivoKey chip or technology being validated. Once the VivoKey enabled product is scanned with NFC, a cryptographic challenge is obtained from the VivoKey API. That challenge is then passed to the VivoKey product and a secure cryptographic response is generated. This response is sent back to the VivoKey API for an authenticity check. If verified, a signed authenticity JWT is issued.

CMAC Signature Flow

For applications where it is not possible to establish bidirectional communication with the VivoKey chip or technology being validated, the Signature flow is supported by some VivoKey products to facilitate authenticity validation using a standard web browser on any NFC smartphone. For example, if it is not possible or desirable to require a special mobile app to be installed on the mobile device being used, Signature flow can offer reasonable authenticity protection for lower risk applications and use cases. Signature flow works by embedding a CMAC signature value into a standard NFC based URL sharing mechanism. The user simply scans the VivoKey enabled product with their phone, a browser will open a special signed website URL sent from the chip, and the web server then validates the embedded signature with VivoKey API servers. If the signature is valid and has not expired, a signed authenticity JWT is issued.

VivoKey authenticity token (JWT)

Once a successful cryptographic verification of VivoKey product authenticity is completed using the API, a signed VivoKey authenticity token is issued in JWT format. The typical format of a JWT is made up of three Base64-URL strings separated by dots that can be easily passed in HTML and HTTP environments, while being more compact when compared to XML-based standards such as SAML.

Example Json Web Token (JWT)

Various aspects of the authenticity token will be referenced in the API documentation below, so you might want to gain a cursory understanding of its structure and purpose before proceeding with the API documentation.

Working with the API

The VivoKey Authenticity API is designed to be open and extremely easy to use. You will need an API key to talk to the Authenticity API, but the only requirement to get one is to submit your email address. An API key will be automatically generated and emailed to you instantly. The API key must be included in the HTTP header X-API-VIVOKEY for every call to an API endpoint. The Content-Type must be application/json and the JSON object data must be posted as raw data, not form encoded data, or your posted data will not be processed.

Interface URL, http headers, etc.

Base URL:

Content-Type: application/json


API key: Get one here!

Get your API key

Getting your own VivoKey API key is as simple as submitting your email address. The email address you use will be the basis for your developer account ID, and any API keys sent to this email address will all be registered to the same developer account ID. This becomes important when considering multiple applications which may use a VivoKey API key. The Developer ID is also included as a claim in the authenticity JWT returned by this API upon successful authenticity validation.

Now that you have your own API key, you would submit it with your calls to VivoKey API endpoints as an http header value. For example, when using CURL to interact with the API, you would prepare your parameters like so;

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-API-VIVOKEY: d28a293f-44ec-4f2a-bf56-6bd546f47e1f" -X POST -d '{"scheme": 1}'

Error or failure modes are rather simple;

  • HTTP error code 400 (Bad Request) will be returned if there are syntactical problems with the data submitted.
  • HTTP error code 401 (Unauthorized) will be returned if you forget to include the X-API-VIVOKEY header or provide an invalid API key.
  • HTTP error code 406 (Not acceptable) will be returned from /session if there is a problem verifying authenticity of the chip
  • HTTP error code 418 (I'm a teapot) will be returned if requests to /session use expired tokens.

API endpoints

The base URL for the authenticity API is and there are only three relevant endpoints; challenge, session, and validate. These endpoints consume and return JSON objects. Remember to ensure your posts have the HTTP header Content-Type set to application/json or your post data will not be processed.


This endpoint consumes a JSON object that contains one or more key-value pairs (KVP), depending on which chip type is being challenged. The endpoint will return a JSON object that contains a payload and token KVP. Challenges expire after 30 seconds.

KVPs sent to /challenge

Key Description


The scheme value can be 1 or 2. The scheme informs the challenge generator which type of VivoKey chip is being challenged. Scheme 1 requires no other KVPs, and generates a basic challenge for Spark 1 chips. Scheme 2 requires both uid and message KVPs, and generates a challenge for Spark 2 chips as well as Apex chips running the Spark app.


[conditional] The UID is the unique identifier or serial number of the chip being challenged. Certain VivoKey chips have a 7 byte UID while others have an 8 byte UID. Value is represented in hexadecimal notation. The uid KVP is not required for scheme 1 challenges. 


[conditional] For Spark 2 and Apex chips running the Spark app, the chip will generate a PCD challenge as part of the mutual authentication scheme used by the chip. This message is passed to the /challenge endpoint and an appropriate chip challenge is generated. Value is represented in hexadecimal notation. The message KVP is not required for scheme 1 challenges. 

KVPs received back from /challenge

Key Description


The payload value is the VivoKey authenticity challenge which must be passed to the chip for processing.


The token value is an encrypted JWT called a challenge token. The challenge token must be passed to /session along with the chip response for the associated payload to /session. Challenge tokens expire after 30 seconds.


This endpoint consumes a JSON object that contains three KPVs. The endpoint will return a JSON object that contains a token KVP, the value of which is an authenticity JWT. The purpose of a signed token is to carry all of the valuable validated authenticity information inside itself, ensuring you can verify that a specific VivoKey chip scan was validated as authentic at a specific time, and has not been altered by any 3rd parties in transit. Authenticity tokens expire after 30 seconds and should not be used after it has expired (after exp). The endpoint is called session because the authenticity token is meant to be used to establish and maintain an authenticated session for VivoKey services, but you can also use it within your own services and applications.

KVPs sent to /session

Key Description


The UID is the unique identifier or serial number of the chip being challenged. Certain VivoKey chips have a 7 byte UID while others have an 8 byte UID. Value is represented in hexadecimal notation.


For Spark 1, the response is a basic challenge response. For Spark 2 and Apex chips running the Spark app, the chip will generate a mutually authenticated response. The value is represented in hexadecimal notation.


The challenge token obtained from /challenge is sent back to /session.


You have the option of passing any properly json encoded arbitrary data along with the chip response to /session (up to 1024 bytes). This data will be encoded into the authenticity token as a JWT claim called cld (client data). This allows you to embed application and user / client session relevant data to the chip scan event, making it part of the authenticity token. Passing the authenticity token to your backend or other services offers the same verifiable integrity protection to this data, meaning you can simply pass the token around your various external and internal endpoints with your application data rather than along side it.

KVPs received back from /session

Key Description

The token value contains a signed JWT called an authenticity token. The token payload contains important verified data which can be used by your application or service, as well as passed between services as necessary. Each service or application which receives the authenticity token can validate its signature to verify authenticity of the token and its contents without ever having to call an API.


This endpoint is used to validate unique counter based CMAC signatures generated for each unique NFC scan of certain VivoKey chip and product types. Reading the CMAC signature is easily done with any NFC enabled smartphone. No special app is needed, just scanning the product will open the signed URL on the phone's web browser. The web server can then pass the CMAC signature to the /validate endpoint for authenticity checking.


The CMAC signature received by the web server can then be sent to the /validate endpoint to check for uniqueness and authenticity. The endpoint consumes the signature value and returns a JSON object containing a result value. If the signature is valid and not expired (already used), a token value is also returned containing a signed authenticity JWT. The atp value within the JWT will be cmac.


WARNING! Counter based CMAC signature authenticity checks are not as secure as other forms of challenge / response checks like tam and mau, so CMAC should not be used for high risk applications.

KVPs sent to /validate

Key Description


The signature data from the VivoKey product. See below ⤷ for examples.

KVPs received back from /validate

Key Description

The result of the signature check. Possible values are success, expired, and invalid. The response value success means that the signature is valid and current, as in this signature is the most recent CMAC or highest counter value the server has validated from this product to date. A result of expired means that the signature contains a counter value that is not as recent as what has already been validated by the server. A result of invalid means there is a problem with the signature.


[conditional] The token value contains a signed JWT called an authenticity token. The token payload contains important verified data which can be used by your application or service, as well as passed between services as necessary. Each service or application which receives the authenticity token can validate its signature to verify authenticity of the token and its contents without ever having to call an API. The token KVP will only be supplied if the result key value is success.

Challenge / Response over NFC

Sending data to a passive RFID transponder (all NFC transponders are RFID transponders, but not all RFID transponders comply with NFC standards) is done using commands over a particular "air interface" for the product in question. VivoKey products communicate using 13.56MHz RFID standards ISO14443A and ISO15693, and comply with NFC standards for Type 4 and Type 5.

Exactly how you send commands to VivoKey products over NFC depends on the operating environment. For example, using Swift for iOS to submit a TAM1 challenge to a Spark 1 means you would use the authenticate command. On Android you would use NfcV and transcieve. If you are using PC/SC to communicate, Spark 2 speaks APDUs natively while the Spark 1 may need commands sent over PC/SC as the payload of a standard "transparent" APDU. Response data would also be suffixed with standard APDU status words (SW1, SW2) with values of 90 00 which means "command successfully executed".

Spark 1

The Spark 1 is an ISO15693 RFID transponder which complies with NFC Type 5 (NfcV for Android, NFCTagTypeISO15693 for iOS). If you are communicating with the Spark 1 over PC/SC using a CCID compliant reader, you may need to send ISO15693 commands using an APDU compliant command format or command wrapper. Check your reader's documentation.

Authentication using TAM1 challenge response (tam)

For this example we will use a Spark 1 with an 8 byte UID of e0 04 01 18 00 9c 5d 52 (in MSB byte order). While not important for our API, it's useful to know the UID format of ISO15693 transponders is broken down into the following structure;


Byte 1: This is the Manufacturer code. It is assigned by the NFC Forum to each manufacturer. For example, Texas Instruments has the manufacturer code 0x01, NXP Semiconductors has 0x04, and so on.


Byte 2-3: These bytes represent the chip type. This is a unique code assigned by the manufacturer to each type of chip they produce.


Byte 4-8: These bytes represent the chip serial number. This is a unique number assigned by the manufacturer to each chip. It ensures that each chip produced by the manufacturer has a unique identifier.

STEP 1. Obtain a challenge from the /challenge endpoint


For Spark 1, send scheme value 1 to the API endpoint and receive a challenge payload and challenge token back.


{"scheme": 1}



STEP 2. Send authenticate command to Spark 1

The ISO15693 command represented in hexadecimal format below must be sent to the Spark 1 as an "addressed command", meaning you must include the UID of the transponder the command is intended for within the command structure itself, and the UID must be sent in LSB order. The challenge obtained from the server is appended to the end.


Command Code: 20 (authenticate)

Request Flag: 35

UID: 52 5d 9c 00 18 01 04 e0 (8 bytes of UID in LSB order)

CSI: 00 (AES)

RFU: 00

Key: 02

Challenge: 3b c9 6b c8 5f a3 40 5f e4 16


Complete command: 20 35 52 5d 9c 00 18 01 04 e0 00 00 02 3b c9 6b c8 5f a3 40 5f e4 16


How you send this command depends entirely on the operating environment. For example, using Swift for iOS means you use the authenticate command, which handles the command 20 and UID details for you. On Android you would use NfcV and transcieve. You should receive 12 bytes of data back which is the encrypted response data for the challenge you sent to the chip. If you are using PC/SC to communicate with the Spark 1, this data may be suffixed with APDU status words (SW1, SW2) with a success value of 90 00.

STEP 3. Submit the TAM1 response to the /session endpoint






Inspect authenticity JWT with (includes public key to validate signature)

Spark 2 / AuthentiChip

Spark 2 and AuthentiChip products are based on ISO14443A RFID transponders which comply with NFC Type 4 (NfcA for Android, NFCTagTypeISO7816Compatible for iOS). They use a traditional APDU compliant command format so communicating with a CCID reader over PS/SC should be straightforward.

Authentication using mutual authentication (mau)

For this example, we will use a Spark 2 chip with a 7 byte UID of 04 29 38 22 2f 5c 80. The Spark 2 mutual authentication functions are tied to the standard NFC NDEF application ID (AID) for NFC Forum Type 4 transponders (D2 76 00 00 85 01 01 00), so we must start by selecting this AID using the standard select APDU command.

STEP 1. Select the NDEF AID


CLA: 00


P1: 04

P2: 0C

Lc: 07

Data: D2 76 00 00 85 01 01 00


Complete command: 00 A4 04 0C 07 D2 76 00 00 85 01 01 00


Receive: 90 00


You should receive no payload response, only status words SW1, SW1 with values of 90 00 which means "success".

STEP 2. Request PCD challenge


The Spark 2 begins mutual authentication by issuing a PCD challenge - a challenge to the API to prove we know the same key it does. This must be sent to the /challenge endpoint to obtain a PICC challenge - a challenge to the Spark 2 to prove it knows the same key we do.


CLA: 90

INS: 71

P1: 00

P2: 00

Lc: 02

Key: 02

Data: 00 00


Complete APDU: 90 71 00 00 02 02 00 00


Receive: 87 86 b1 2d 5e e7 14 de 5a 97 c5 c0 98 00 b6 68 91 af


The data received back should contain a 16 byte PCD challenge followed by two status words (SW1, SW2) with the values 91 AF which means "additional frame" expected. The Spark 2 is now expecting the next thing sent to it be a response to the PCD challenge along with a PICC challenge from the API.

STEP 3. Obtain a challenge from /challenge endpoint


For Spark 2, send scheme value 2 along with the PCD challenge and UID of the Spark 2. You will receive a payload that contains the PCD response and PICC challenge and a challenge token.


{"scheme": 2, "message":"8786b12d5ee714de5a97c5c09800b668", "uid":"042938222f5c80"}



STEP 4. Send PCD response and PICC challenge


The Spark 2 now wants a 16 byte response along with a 16 byte PICC challenge it will respond to.


CLA: 90


P1: 00

P2: 00

Lc: 20

Data: ce be e7 79 17 04 30 70 4d 6f 9b 28 e5 a2 ca d5 ef f2 0c e4 10 23 3b 19 e4 a9 ae 64 e0 30 c1 0f


Complete APDU: 90 AF 00 00 20 ce be e7 79 17 04 30 70 4d 6f 9b 28 e5 a2 ca d5 ef f2 0c e4 10 23 3b 19 e4 a9 ae 64 e0 30 c1 0f


Receive: b6 0b 6b 38 ad 5c 8e d6 f0 b4 27 85 90 ce 9f 63 85 62 92 47 05 c7 c6 3f 89 d5 3d 67 4c 99 04 19 91 00


The data received should contain a 32 byte response followed by two status words (SW1, SW2) with the values 91 00 which means "ok".

STEP 5. Submit the mutual auth response to the /session endpoint






Inspect authenticity JWT with (includes public key to validate signature)

Spark application for Apex

The Spark applet for Apex enables Auth API mutual authentication to the Apex chip platform. The Spark applet uses traditional APDU compliant command format so communicating with a CCID reader over PS/SC should be straightforward.

Mutual authentication using Spark applet on Apex

For this example, we will use an Apex chip with Spark application loaded. The Spark applet on Apex does not use the chip UID. Instead, the Spark applet is programmed with an 8 byte "Spark ID" that is returned as a result of selecting the Spark application. In this example, we will use ff 00 01 8d 2c 10 16 79 as the Spark ID. Start by selecting the Spark applet AID A000000846737061726B3201 using the standard select APDU command.

STEP 1. Select the Spark AID


CLA: 00


P1: 04

P2: 00

Lc: 0C

Data: A0 00 00 08 46 73 70 61 72 6B 32 01

Le: 00


Complete APDU: 00 A4 04 00 0C A0 00 00 08 46 73 70 61 72 6B 32 01 00


Receive: ff 0a 01 8d 2c 10 16 79 90 00


For this example, we will receive a payload response containing an 8 byte Spark ID (ff0a018d2c101679) followed by status words SW1, SW1 with values of 90 00 which means "success". You will need to use this Spark ID instead of the Apex chip UID when interacting with the Auth API.

STEP 2. Request PCD challenge


The Spark applet begins mutual authentication by issuing a PCD challenge - a challenge to the API to prove we know the same key it does. This must be sent to the /challenge endpoint to obtain a PICC challenge - a challenge to the Spark applet to prove it knows the same key we do.


CLA: 90

INS: 71

P1: 00

P2: 00

Lc: 02

Key: 02

Data: 00 00


Complete APDU: 90 71 00 00 02 02 00 00


Receive: 87 86 b1 2d 5e e7 14 de 5a 97 c5 c0 98 00 b6 68 91 af


The data received back should contain a 16 byte PCD challenge followed by two status words (SW1, SW2) with the values 91 AF which means "additional frame" expected. This PCD challenge is what we will send to the /challenge endpoint to obtain a PICC challenge along with a PCD response. The Spark applet is now expecting the next thing we send to be a response to the PCD challenge along with a PICC challenge from the API.

STEP 3. Obtain a challenge from /challenge endpoint


Send scheme value 2 along with the PCD challenge and Spark ID (not the UID of the Apex) to the /challenge endpoint. You will receive a payload that contains the PCD response, a PICC challenge, and a challenge token.


{"scheme": 2, "message":"8786b12d5ee714de5a97c5c09800b668", "uid":"ff0a018d2c101679"}



STEP 4. Send PCD response and PICC challenge


The Spark applet is waiting for a 16 byte PCD response along with a 16 byte PICC challenge it will respond to.


CLA: 90


P1: 00

P2: 00

Lc: 20

Data: ce be e7 79 17 04 30 70 4d 6f 9b 28 e5 a2 ca d5 ef f2 0c e4 10 23 3b 19 e4 a9 ae 64 e0 30 c1 0f


Complete APDU: 90 AF 00 00 20 ce be e7 79 17 04 30 70 4d 6f 9b 28 e5 a2 ca d5 ef f2 0c e4 10 23 3b 19 e4 a9 ae 64 e0 30 c1 0f


Receive: b6 0b 6b 38 ad 5c 8e d6 f0 b4 27 85 90 ce 9f 63 85 62 92 47 05 c7 c6 3f 89 d5 3d 67 4c 99 04 19 91 00


The data received back should contain a 32 byte response followed by two status words (SW1, SW2) with the values 91 00 which means "ok". The 32 bytes of data is what we send to the /session endpoint for final validation.

STEP 5. Submit the mutual auth response to the /session endpoint






Inspect authenticity JWT with (includes public key to validate signature)

CMAC Signature validation

There are some circumstances where doing direct NFC authentication with a VivoKey product might not be possible or preferred. For example, retail items with a VivoKey authenticity NFC transponder embedded or affixed to it. It would not be ideal to ask customers to have to install a special application in order to verify the authenticity of a product. They should just be able to tap their phone to bring up a browser that shows the product is authentic. This is exactly the kind of low risk scenario that CMAC based validations are good for.


  • Spark 1 - Does not support CMAC signatures
  • Spark 2 - Supports CMAC signatures
  • AuthentiChip - Supports CMAC signatures
  • Apex - NFC Sharing applet supports CMAC signatures

In order to validate a unique signature generated per each unique scan, you must simply extract the signature data from the scanned data and submit to the /validate API endpoint. Examples of this are outlined below for each type of chip which supports CMAC signatures.

Spark 2 / AuthentiChip CMAC Signatures

Spark 2 and AuthentiChip products have an NDEF record which contains a unique URL with CMAC signature appended. This URL cannot be changed, but the CMAC changes each time the Spark 2 is scanned. The URL written to the Spark 2 begins with followed by a unique ID and then the CMAC signature. To validate the signature, you must submit the CMAC data portion of the URL to /validate. For example, if you read the URL from the Spark 2 as then you would submit the following to the /validate endpoint.


{“signature“: “042468222F5C80-00003C-AE4F60A1AF728AB4”}


{result“: “success”,token“: “eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImprM3JXNEhBVm9HSzl6QVhsdnVzdnMxdTFLeVlMRUxYRG10OXlTOXViYUkifQ.eyJ0eXBlIjoyLCJwcm9kdWN0IjoyLCJhdHAiOiJjbWFjIiwic3ViIjoiZDYwOGFhZGYwYjI1MmE4N2EwYmEyMGQ3NTQ1NDM1N2Y3Y2Y5NDZlNWZjM2VjMmQ4YjViZmY4NGRhODg4Yzk5ZSIsImlhdCI6MTY4Nzg0MjAzMSwiZXhwIjoxNjg3ODQyMDYxLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2F1dGgudml2b2tleS5jb20iLCJqdGkiOiI2ODY0NTdjMjBmNjZkOWU1YWI3ZWQyMzMxYmYyOGMyNWE0ZjI4NGQ0MTAyZWFjMmE2YTUxNjc0NjdmMTcxYTI2In0.guSNm14-Nwf7nniN2Am9efCZCyW86ZXjC4F5Y08UzAVCqO4lbYTT5Wb6ip3g4Wf-OFCQNoe1G-E1NNZBlz-FeA”}


Inspect authenticity JWT with (includes public key to validate signature)

CMAC Signatures with NFC Sharing for Apex

The NFC Sharing app for Apex may have (this feature is optional) an NDEF record which contains a unique URL with CMAC signature data included. The CMAC changes each time NFC data is read from the applet. To validate the signature, you must submit the entire AES CMAC data element. For example, if you program the NFC Sharing app for Apex with the following URL data;{AES128_CMAC_SIGNATURE_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}


When read data is read back from the NFC Sharing app, the marker will be replaced with signature data such as;


You would then submit the signature data to the /validate endpoint like this;


{“signature“: “FF042468222F5C80-00003C-AE4F60A1AF728AB4”}


{result“: “success”,token“: “eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImprM3JXNEhBVm9HSzl6QVhsdnVzdnMxdTFLeVlMRUxYRG10OXlTOXViYUkifQ.eyJ0eXBlIjoyLCJwcm9kdWN0IjoyLCJhdHAiOiJjbWFjIiwic3ViIjoiZDYwOGFhZGYwYjI1MmE4N2EwYmEyMGQ3NTQ1NDM1N2Y3Y2Y5NDZlNWZjM2VjMmQ4YjViZmY4NGRhODg4Yzk5ZSIsImlhdCI6MTY4Nzg0MjAzMSwiZXhwIjoxNjg3ODQyMDYxLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2F1dGgudml2b2tleS5jb20iLCJqdGkiOiI2ODY0NTdjMjBmNjZkOWU1YWI3ZWQyMzMxYmYyOGMyNWE0ZjI4NGQ0MTAyZWFjMmE2YTUxNjc0NjdmMTcxYTI2In0.guSNm14-Nwf7nniN2Am9efCZCyW86ZXjC4F5Y08UzAVCqO4lbYTT5Wb6ip3g4Wf-OFCQNoe1G-E1NNZBlz-FeA”}


Inspect authenticity JWT with (includes public key to validate signature)

Live CMAC Signature test

Using the form below you can test CMAC signature validation using your API key and the CMAC data and signature.

Get an API key!

No complicated sign up process required! Simply submit your email address and an API key will be sent to you immediately.

If you have already received one or more API keys at this email address, all previous keys will remain functional, and a new key will be created and sent to you.