VivoKey 2024 transition

Hello everyone,


We developed our VivoKey platform around the idea that Internet authentication would consolidate itself around new innovative identity protocols like OpenID Connect, and that your Spark implant could be at the center of that identity. The entire platform was built with this in mind, but unfortunately identity on the Internet remains as muddled as ever.


That said, we are not giving up on the dream of secure services based on standards based cryptographic proofs performed on personal microchip implants. To that end, we are developing a whole new platform for identity and security, and behind it we will be launching a number of federated membership services. Our first move in this area was to complete our Auth API, around which we are building all other services. The second move in this direction has been implemented tonight (Jan 27th, 2024).


We are splitting out the Spark NFC profile and data sharing features completely from the identity and security functionality. In our current platform (now referred to as the legacy platform), your Spark could be configured to display your personal information or redirect to a URL. From now on, the NFC sharing mechanism (what happens when someone taps your Spark with their phone) will be managed using an entirely separate mobile app called Spark Actions. This approach allows your Spark to be configured with any number of web based actions, including building your own digital cards. We will continue to develop Spark Actions to improve features, style options, and integrations.


Work continues on the new VivoKey Cloud service platform. We hope to launch it and our first federated services later this year. Meanwhile, the legacy platform will continue to operate independently. The only functionality that will no longer be relevant is the Profile section as this has now been superseded by Spark Actions.


Thank you everyone. I'm excited for what 2024 will bring for VivoKey, and I hope you are too.


Amal Graafstra
CEO, VivoKey Technologies